Kokoc Group Financial Report
Kokoc Group is the largest digital holding in Russia, the group includes more than 30 agencies and about 1000+ employees.
Develop the design of a financial report.
About the project
Financial report is one of the main documents for Kokoc Group managers. With its help, they can assess the revenue and status of companies in the holding. It is a complex analytical document, so our goal was to make the work with it convenient and clear.

Design & development
The design is based on a design system that we developed specifically for Kokoc Group internal projects. You can read our story about how we built the design system.
We additionally prepared a separate UI Kit and started the UX design.
The main users of the financial report are managers of Kokoc Group. When working with a document, they should be able to easily find any operational indicator of any department of the company (by the way, they are already more than 30) for the entire period of statistics existence.

In addition, the report should include key indicators for each Central Federal Area (profit, income, expense, etc.). It was important for managers to be able to compare actual indicators with planned, and a current period with aprevious one.
All these goals were achieved in the development of the report design.
Mobile version
Initially, the client wanted only the desktop version and doubted the need to develop a mobile. But when he came to the idea that the report should always be at hand, which means that it should be opened from any device, he changed his mind and we started to make the mobile version.
Once we started, we did a pre-project study and a study of custom scenarios. Based on them, we built the first model in the form of a clickable prototype. And after that, we modified it to a full-fledged product.
A client's role in a project
During work on the project, the client took part in preparing the backend for interaction with the product. Management staff also answered research questions and made adjustments to hypotheses about system users.
At the moment we have spent 338 hours on the project:
- 220 hours of frontend;
- 72 hours of design;
- 46 hours of management.
The desktop version of the report is ready and the client is satisfied with the result. The final layout of the mobile version is in progress.
Project team
Art director
Frontend developer
Frontend developer
Project manager
Frontend developer
Frontend developer
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