“IDGC of Urals” — Annual Report 2018
The goal and the solution
“IDGC of Urals” is responsible for distribution of electricity in the Urals region. Not only it sounds very cool but also it implies a business dealing with serious money. The yearly report is expected to show to the investors and shareholders how well the company closes the year and how good are the opportunities awaiting them all in the upcoming year. While preparing the report we had to take into consideration scores of legal limitations and to follow the rigid report structure and in the same time we had to present the information with flair and a clear way.
We had only three months to finish the project while we had to deal with a lot of content: 100 pages of text, 55 tables, 25 charts and 96 normative references. We also had not to forget about additional but provisioned by the law functions such as mailing of links to documents, vision impaired access mode, documents saving and downloading in .pdf format.

Approach to the development
The Customer provided us with references and reports of previous years as a starting point of our project. After studying them we showed the Customer examples of actual reports of other companies that decided to put aside many of the carryovers of the past. The Customer was eager to try something new. For instance we have substituted multiple drop-down menus with a multilayer menu with easy navigation enabling the users not to get lost in the site structure and to be always able understand where they are and to find the way out.
We could not skip the secondary functions imposed by the law but we managed to make them less interfering: an experienced or testing user will be able to find them easily while an inexperienced one will not get hindered by incomprehensible icons.

Design and layout
In order to emphasize the business of the Customer we put power lines on the main page adding to them the company’s main yearly figures. The key indicators are floating near the infrastructure that allowed reaching them. The metaphor came out to be clear and stylish.
We also improved the standard functionality of the dashboard adding the feature for creating new section types. This is important for viewing charts, images and text sections in the design that was tailor made for the project.
We had to post a lot of tables on the site. Anyone who has ever faced this task knows how challenging is to make a proper and neat table layout. We delivered two ways to work with tables: a full-format web view and downloadable spreadsheets. We also added a convenient table construction kit with import feature and advance styling options to the admin section.
The content
Texts in the annual report are the top priority for the Customer. Working under the tight timeline we had not only to publish the whole content in time but also not to make a single mistake because the controlling bodies will meticulously check every figure and character.
The English version of the reports was also a must to deliver, so we bore a double responsibility while filling out the site with the content. The Customer was absolutely satisfied with the quality and timeline of our work with the content as we made no unfortunate slips and no edits were necessary.
Furthermore we added a link to the corresponding page of the previous year report to every page and made a .pdf version. Also, the yearly report contains about 70 abbreviations, so we added cross references activating by mouseover to make these abbreviations easier to understand.
We developed an interactive easy to navigate yearly report that also contributes to the corporate brand with necessary special features, while observing all legal requirements and delivering it within a tight timeline.
Project team
Project manager
Account manager
Art director
Backend developer
Backend developer
Frontend developer
Content manager
Frontend developer
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